Item 4481897 93/04/19 12:54 From: CGEIGER@NEXT.COM@INET# Internet Gateway Subject: NeXTWORLD Expo '93 - CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS Hello, Volunteer for NeXTWORLD Expo... Its that time again. No, you didn't miss the first organizational meeting for volunteers for Expo. It is this Thursday, at NeXTWORLD, at 7PM. If you are from out of town (SF), you don't have to be present at this meeting in order to be a volunteer. To volunteer, RSVP, or get more info: Email: Phone: 415-978-3186 (O) 415-922-6398 (h), long distance, call and I'll (Dan Lavin) call you right back. Top Ten Reasons to Volunteer for Expo '93 10. Help make Expo '93 even more terrific than last year. 9. Make friends from all over the country and the world!! 8. Several new, exciting incentive programs this year for volunteers. 7. No heavy hardware to carry in '93, just handy software. :) 6. We've ditched unpopular volunteer assignments from last year, like attendee registration. 5. Be part of an historical event. 4. Dine - 1-1. 3. Hey, who knows why we volunteer, I sure don't. 2. Be a part of the team, rather than a spectator. 1. Will be revealed at the meeting, if I told you everything now, there wouldn't be any reason to attend the meeting, would there? Please RSVP to the e-mail or address below. If you can't make it, please let us know you'd like to help. This meeting is obviously for those in the Bay Area, but there are many opportunities for those outside the Bay Area, during the expo. Reply by e-mail or phone, we really need you. To volunteer, RSVP, or get more info: Email: Phone: 415-978-3186 (O) 415-922-6398 (h), long distance, call and I'll call you right back. This Thursday: Thursday, April 22 NeXTWORLD Magazine 7 PM 501 2nd ST SF, CA 94109, corner of Bryant We will have people coming to the door frequently to let you in, pizza provided, so please RSVP. Thanks, Dan Lavin, NoIR Conrad Geiger, NeXT Computer =END=